period education for everyone
understanding your cycle makes every part of your life oh-so-much easier
Discover the really simple steps to a happier and healthy life through 1:1 sessions and workshops
You're in the right place
Whether you’re in your 30s and 40s and have lost your spark and just don’t feel yourself.
Or you want to rewrite the period story for the next generation with my school, pre-teen and teen workshops.
there's simple solutions when
Dark moods visit too often
Bloating and digestive issues happen most days
Your periods are getting worse and you have no idea why
"Working with Tara was a before and after in my life. I now have the skills I need to take care of my health both physically and
emotionally in a way that improves every aspect of my life."
Karla Alvarado, Graphic Designer, Mexico

you are not broken
or crazy
When you learn to work with your hormones you feel ready to change the world! Stop being down on yourself for feeling rubbish each month. Understanding your cycle can solve everything.
There are many ways you can work with me
Whether you need private 1:1 session, are interested in attending one of my Red Tent Events, or are ready to jump into a course, I’m here to help you understand your cycle!
Red tent circles
Red tent circles
1 - 1 Coaching
1 - 1 coaching
MEET TARA GHOSH - period educator & abdominal therapist
I teach you how to use your hormones to your advantage
I have been where you are. Wanting to improve my health but overwhelmed by which direction to take.
I share with you the secrets I learnt during my journey to fix my missing period and from studying with the leading women’s health experts. My ten years living in Asia has influenced my science based approach to wellness which is both holistic and totally practically.
I will hold your hand as you discover the power of your menstrual cycle and the simple habits which will rocket your energy and mood to new highs!

"Every woman needs to learn what Tara teaches! I wish I had known this information when I was younger. I now understand myself better - my body, my health, and what I truly need."
Melissa Nathan, Reiki Master, Singapore
I can’t wait to answer your questions
so you can finally live your life to the fullest! Drop me an email at hello@taraghosh.com anytime and it would be my pleasure to help
What is an Abdominal Therapist?
Abdominal Therapy is a body treatment which focuses on our digestive and reproductive health. Its origins are from the Mayan culture from Central America and were created by Dr. Rosita Arvigo. One of the best parts of my online sessions with clients is that I teach you the abdominal massage so you can enjoy its benefits at home every day. Seriously, it’s a treatment that keeps on giving!
Aside from having babies, why does our period even matter?
What can I learn from you that my doctor doesn’t tell me?
I've been told that there's nothing you can do for bad periods and PMS. Is that true?
Take the quiz to
Find out Your Cycle Superpower!
It’s like being let in on a secret that you knew there must be an answer for.