
A 28-day cycle is not the norm!

Person: I’ve always had an irregular cycle.

Me: Oh, tell me more.

Person: Yes, I’ve always worried about it, as I’ve never had a 28 day cycle 

Me: (Speechless)

It’s time to set the record straight, friends. A healthy cycle length is anywhere from 25-35 days and a 28-day cycle is neither the norm, nor the most common cycle length with only 13% of women having a 28-day cycle.

So fear not, a 28-day cycle is not the holy grail we should all be aiming for!

The average length of the menstrual cycle is 29-days which corresponds to the length of the lunar cycle. Historically, pre-the industrial revolution, it is believed that women bleed around the new moon. A study of 826 women in 1986 found that 28.3% bleed around the new moon, which was the largest commonality.

The main reason our society views 28-day cycle as the norm is thanks to the pharmaceutical companies creating a 28-day fake “cycle” with the hormonal birth control with the lie that it normalises our cycle. Grrrrr.

You can learn more about what is a healthy menstrual cycle here and, by the way, I deep dive on all things period, hormones and perimenopause on my 6-week live course Embrace Your Cyclical Power. It really is a life changing course!

“PMS kind of switched me into a Mr Hyde every month and I was very upset about it - I felt I was fighting a losing battle of self-control. Now I have learned to be kinder to myself and I can handle PMS and perimenopause much better”.

Christel Ong, Massage Therapist, Singapore