Happy Earth Day! This is a special day for me where I like to appreciate this beautiful world we live in and all that nature provides.
However, today can’t pass without acknowledging that big and fast action needs to be taken collectively so we can at least limit the climate devastation which we all face.
This is a heavy topic so I want to keep this as upbeat as possible by sharing what YOU can do, starting today, to make a positive impact!
Talk about the climate emergency
No one wants to think about the climate emergency, let along talk about. It is too big, too daunting and way too bloody depressing. But as a result we keep our head in the sand and nothing happens.
When we talk about the climate emergency with our family, friends, neighbours, colleagues or school community we normalise this tricky topic.
When things are brought into the light, it makes people want to take action!
Switch energy providers and bank
The burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) is by far the biggest contributor to the climate emergency. So to make an impact you need to reduce your reliance on fossil fuel (by switching to greener energy suppliers) and avoid the banks who finance the fossil fuel industry (like Barclays).
You can get advice on the best energy supplier and bank at Ethical Consumer.
Support the circular economy
When you need something, can you pause and think:
- Is this a want or a need?
- Can I borrow this from a friend, Fat Llama or On Loan?
- Could I get this item second hand instead at Ebay, Olio, Depop or The Fashion Pulpit?
Choose reusables and buy less stuff
It’s cool to reuse! We can now get reusable bottles, bags, strawers, period products (see my post on that!), lunch containers, refillable laundry detergent and the list goes on…
Also, repairing your clothes just got even easier with Sojo App which is a deliveroo like service for clothing alternations + repairs.
Golden rule: Buy just what you need and quite simply, buy less sh*t!
Eat less animal products
Study after study has shown that our current meat and dairy consumption is wrecking the planet. As a long term vegetarian, I’m sorry to report that most people do need a small amount of animal products for good hormonal health. That said, our meals should be predominately plant based. If you’re looking for more resources on plant based food check out the abillion App.