
Mid-cycle period pains

Do you suffer with bad twinges a couple of weeks before your period?

There’s a few different possibilities for this pain around ovulation. The most likely is due to elevated prostaglandin levels. Prostaglandins are a group of lipids (fats) which are naturally occurring in our body.

There are two types of prostaglandins – pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory and we need both in the right amounts to stay well. Insulin resistance, oestrogen dominance and excess inflammation in the body (caused primarily by diet and stress) reduce anti-inflammatory prostaglandins while unfortunately increasing pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. This is the most common issue with period pain, ovulation pain and menstrual migraines.

Simple ways to help include:

  • Prioritising your sleep (yes, I agree, this is easier said than done!)
  • Doing something everyday to calm your nervous system, like meditation, journaling, yoga, time in nature
  • Making sure you are eating a healthy, balanced diet. That means each plate is 50% veggies and has protein and healthy fats like olive oil, avocado, seeds etc.
  • Supporting your body’s natural detoxification by making sure you have daily poops and use skin brushing, cold showers and/or castor oil packs are all important too.

Ovulation pain is also common if someone has ovarian cysts or endometriosis. The same tips above can help this.

Finally, there could be a physical side to this pain, depending on where your ovary is positioned in your pelvic bowl, it could be trapped or in an uncomfortable position. This can happen after a fall, through poor posture or many other reasons. Working with a bodyworker to correct your pelvis alignment and doing the abdominal massage which I teach can really help ovulation and period pain.  You can find out more here

“I’ve been interested in trying Arvigo to ease my digestion and perimenopause issues and my session with Tara was wonderful. She makes it so simple, it is now part of my morning routine, and I can already feel a difference in my relationship with my body”.

Shannon Murray, actor