Breaking the cycle – talking consent and boundaries with our kids

We know the sad fact that women are subject to violence and sexual pressure in our society here in the UK and around the world.

I don’t have any quick solutions to this massive topic.

Obviously I am passionate that teaching girls about the powers of their menstrual cycle will move us one step closer to empowering women and smashing the patriarchy!

Alongside this, I wanted to share some resources I find helpful when talking about boundaries and sex with the girls and boys in our lives.

Although I haven’t read these books, they come highly recommended

On my Period Ready workshops I prepare both the pre-teen and parent/caregiver on what to expect during puberty so our young people can have a positive relationship with their body and period right from the start. 

“I signed up for the workshop to open a dialogue about periods with my daughter. I was really pleased with Tara's fun, modern and informative take on it. A good balance between science facts and a natural, cycle based approach. Plus, I learnt a lot from the mums session - things I wish I'd known years ago!"

Jackie, mum to Tabby (10)